I know, I was referring to that thread. But you're right, it wouldn't be fair at all to call you an Apple watch hater. I didn't recall your argument there as well as I thought now that I've reread it. The reason I brought it up was because I remembered the part where you talk about how the iWatch is just another device for conformity: My point was that there might be a parallel with Glass: it tries to be both a cool piece of (face-)jewelery and a utility, but isn't convincing at either of those qualities. It wouldn't surprise me if the iWatch fails for the same reasons Glass did....an iWatch or a Moto360 is a mass-produced device with some customization tweaks. It's just another part of the uniform. [...] it does yank any smartwatch out of the realm of "jewelry" and into the realm of "utility" and I'm not sure the utility is there.