He sure comes across as super-douchey in every interview I've ever seen. However, the one person I know that has actually interacted with him was an epic prick to Justin Bieber. Buddy of mine was doing some PSAs with Selena Gomez back when they were dating and Bieber was just sort of hanging out. He came up to my buddy the sound guy and said "Hey, man, what's happening? Can I borrow a set of cans to listen in on this?" Now, normally the response to anyone asking to listen on a PSA is "absolutely, I brought a dozen comteks for this specific purpose and I'm billing the production company $15 each so you bet! Here's one just for you!" but my buddy responded with get away from me, you douche. It's kind of a chicken-or-egg problem: if total strangers have no problems calling you a douche to your face when they've never so much as interacted with you before, do you have any incentive to NOT be a douche?