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_refugee_  ·  3688 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Today's Writing Prompt: Rappers Do It, Poets Don't

Here goes dudes! Take the bait.

  The Unsinkable Molly Brown Rock Goddess
  This is the girl you won’t forget. 
  Men at bars ask her friends about her,
  What her deal is, too afraid she’ll laugh
  In their face to approach, walk up
  And ask her for themselves. 
  She’ll take your man and dice him
  Into jellyfish, leave him quivering
  On the open floor and thankful
  she even talked to him, that she
  was kind. 
  And everyone knows her
  From a distance. It’s her hair,
  The untamed mass of it has crept
  Its way from her shoulders 
  Down her back through the months
  You’ve all watched her toss it back
  And laugh, that irresistible laugh
  that makes you want to ask her 
  what’s the joke but you’re afraid
  you wouldn’t even get it,
  if she condescended to acknowledge you,
  and answer. 
  You’ve heard awesome rumors about her:
  How she stood down a girl who’d slept
  with her man until the girl broke 
  down and tried to fight anyone there
  at the bar because Molly Brown wouldn’t
  raise at any wheedle, lie or tear. 
  She was stone. You felt her
  Holding court in public.
  Her apathy was judgment. 
  You heard she ripped off
  Some guy’s dick last August
  When he took her to the creek
  At the state park, drunk brunch
  Staggering distance, and pushed
  Her a little too hard in the water.
  But no one knows for sure. 
  That’s the thing about this girl,
  That drives you crazy, you and every man
  Who saw her at home, cursing with her liquor:
  So many insane stories whisper 
  Around her image but you’ve never seen her
  Even stumble, slur her words.