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thenewgreen  ·  4446 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The power of introverts
The organization I work for puts a lot of stock in the myers briggs personality index tests. I work in a profession that is predominantly dominated by extroverts. However, every time we take these PI tests, there are several introverts that end up standing on the opposite side of the room. It's amazing how much quieter and more orderly there side of the room is. The last time we did this the introverts were asked how they are made to feel by the extroverts they work with. It was pretty eye opening. It basically came down to "shut up and listen" or "it's okay to be quiet".

I think I would rather have an introverted leader, with the caveat of them knowing that they're introverts.

I wonder if most people think they are ambiverts much like most people think they are moderate on the political spectrum?