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OftenBen  ·  3392 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The 2015 Goals Weekly Morale Menagerie - Fortnightly Check-in (15th Jan)

    Do you currently have a specific target you're aiming for or are you just enjoying it for what it is?

I'll let you know when I start enjoying working out.

I track 2 measurements, my waistline, and the ease with which I can load/unload my kayaks.

Since I was never allowed to do ANYTHING at all athletic as a kid, I'm pretty out of shape compared to the general populace. If I tracked how fast (slow) my runs(alternating jogging/brisk walking) are, I'd probably just get discouraged and stop altogether. I work out so that I may enjoy higher quality of life, and personally I don't think I'd gain anything by quantifying my workout.

RE: Guitar stuff, I just can't seem to find anything in the style I want, within the skill level I'm currently capable of. But mostly laziness this week.