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firethief  ·  3652 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why we are looking at the ‘value’ of college all wrong

Touches on a couple of real issues, but the central claim is extremely dubious: the argument of information not being a "well-behaved" scarce good applies well to information like a sound file, a movie, a Wikipedia article; but selling information isn't remotely what colleges do. I find it incomprehensible that the author who wrote this:

    The Gallup-Purdue Index Report entitled “Great Jobs, Great Lives” found six crucial factors linking the college experience to success at work and overall well-being in the long term:

    1. at least one teacher who made learning exciting

    2. personal concern of teachers for students

    3. finding a mentor

    4. working on a long-term project for at least one semester

    5. opportunities to put classroom learning into practice through internships or jobs

    6. rich extracurricular activities

didn't understand that the price of college is the price of renting educators' time and an environment conducive to growth. Nothing on that list is about information, or similarly non-scarce goods.