The article simultaneously points out that white millenials are no less tolerant than their parents while also observing that they're a vanishing breed. Imagine this sentence written in 1945: Think about that for a minute - the author is casually dismissing the fact that sometime in the next 30 years, white people will no longer be a majority. That, right there, is the majority of the bugshittery over on Fox News - the fact that your grandkids are going to be outnumbered by "those people." Yet this article pretty much sweeps it under the rug to nit-pick study methodology. Know what's great for tolerance? Necessity. If every Starbuck's is full of interracial and same-sex couples, you've got two choices: get used to interracial and same-sex couples or stop going to Starbuck's. And when you substitute "everywhere" for "Starbuck's" you either chill out or move to Sandpoint.The fact of the matter is that millennials who are white — that is, members of the group that has always had the most regressive racial beliefs, and who will constitute a majority of U.S. voters for at least another couple of decades — are, on key questions involving race, no more open-minded than their parents.