I've got a nice, sharp, divisive opinion that I'd love to debate. I believe that corporal punishment, including lashing, should be reinstated for certain classes of crime. Whenever a man or woman acts to better themselves at the detriment of their community in a non-violent fashion, they should experience pain for doing so. Maybe give them the option of a whipping or having to carry a big sign saying 'I stole from my workers retirement plans' or what have you, in certain cases. Prison is expensive. Putting non-violent offenders in cages doesn't make sense to me. But there has to be some hard deterrent to act as a safeguard against the worst impulses in our human nature. We call this barbaric, but we end human lives regularly in this country. And not always cleanly. I do not support whipping someone for voicing an opinion, but I'm not talking about what this guy was accused of. The Saudi's still decap people on the reg.