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_refugee_  ·  3745 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Essential Tremor by Elizabeth Metzger

Fair, and upon reflection, I've done a similar thing before - withheld my opinion on a post because I wanted others'. I usually do this because I want to see if others will reach my same conclusions (or not) without me saying anything. So I can't fault the choice, exactly, but at the same time, I am interested in your opinion. So, allow me to read and comment and then hopefully, you will return the favor?

I enjoy the structure and the minimalism of this poem. Some of the imagery is pretty strong and original and I think the last line/ending is well done - that's often a difficult spot (especially for me personally when writing) in poems. I can't say I'm entranced by this poem because in general I think I like poems like this to have a little "more" to them to hang on to. Right now it is a series of disassociated images that imply a shape.

I think the poem loses itself a tiny bit (at least for me) both here:

    Where death is something you can fuck up the broken heart rolls three blank dice.

and here:

    Everything blushes but my ego now dumbed down for “sleep.”

With the second, I feel like there could be more force in the second line. I would delete "now" and the quotes and feel already the line is stronger. However, the poet probably finds these essential to the meaning of the poem. (I find I often look at poems and think about how I would change them. Sometimes it's a fun writing exercise.) With the first couplet, the lines are just a little beyond my grasp. I find I am spending too much time trying to make sense of them. "Where death is something you can fuck up" - suicide, a hospital? Am I reading too far into this? But, I am very fond of the ending, which I think ties the poem back together strongly enough that the weakness I feel in these lines can kind of be overlooked because of its force.

As for reading posts and reading comments, I can't say I do either in a particular order. Depends on the post. Sometimes the thread comments convince me to read a link. Usually if it's a poem thing I would probably skim them first, but in this case (as you responded to me and in my sort-order my comment was top) I didn't proceed further before checking out the poem. just for, you know, sanctity or whatever.