The ally of depression is inactivity. The enemy is routine and exercise. It may not seem like much, but if you have the choice between sitting in bed and watching all the Harry Potters, or sitting in bed and reading all the Harry Potters, or putting on your headphones, going for a walk and listening to all the Harry Potters, go with Door #3. The activity gives you endorphins, lets your body process toxins and the change of pace will stimulate brain activity. I'n'I know depression. I was in a deep, deep well of it for about eight years. The only way to beat it is to fight. The only way to fight is to do something. It doesn't even have to be an important thing. My father decided he was going to beat depression by beating every game of Freecell there is. About 2200 games in he felt good enough to do something else with his time. We're all pulling for you. You could do worse than take over #photochallenge.