Honestly, the arguments against net nutrality are entirely valid and honest. The vote here is not just one of "can companies do X", it is a bill to define internet companies as a utility. When is the last time our power networks have gotten a good upgrade? What we need is not that, what we need is laws that enforce net nutrality and do it directly. Making internet a utility is not this, and will have the negative effects this person is saying. The internet will move at the speed of government with the passing of internet being a utility. Unless this is talking about a bill that does what I say above, in which case this guy is an idiot. Honestly, though, we don't even need net nutrality, we need enforced competition. It's bullshit that we have one or two choices of internet provider, and the federal government should be stepping end to end this cycle of lobbying for local governments to shut out start-ups and protect the existing networks. Once competition exists, true competition, net nutrality won't be an issue, because any company that tries to screw us over gets killed off. Secondly, if net neutrality actually does hold back speeds of some things, the companies that adopt it will do better and prove that it isn't good to fight against anyway, without forcing us to adopt a system we do not want.