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kleinbl00  ·  3466 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Grubski Challenge #5: Suitably Satiating Stews of Superb Savor

I'm still limping along with the same Eos5D I took to Thailand in 2007. It's not even a good lens - it's a 28-105/4IS.

I've promised myself a D800 when I've converted all my slides to scans. Hiccup in the plan; I got sick of making a 1998 Minolta Dimage Scan Multi II SCSI work via Firewire so I sold the works. The next plan is a macro lens and my mother-in-law's Zeiss slide projector and then I'll automate.

I only switched to Canon when Nikon steadfastly refused to go full-frame. Now that the D800 is like a gajillion megapixels at 24x36, I'll likely not just go Nikon, I'll go prime. I really miss shooting medium format and the D800 is as close to a medium format digital as you can get without going stupid $40k Leaf-back Hasselblad.