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bioemerl  ·  3489 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Is an animal’s marked intelligence really reason enough not to eat it?

    Without a value-based system, serious problems arise.

I see none.

    Can you provide a defense of why your value-less system does not imply those things, rather than an ad hominem attack?

It does have all those things. It doesn't simply state them as true because they are true. Things need reason and context, unless they are universal truths.

    Those statements are anecdotal and cherry-picked to support a preconceived belief.

Can you state a positive thing that comes from animal abuse?

    So, you object to BSDM neighbors?

BDSM is not "hurting someone".

    But I'm mostly interested in your defense of why your ethical position doesn't support eating disabled people.

I love it when I get to quote myself

    -You can't trust a society that will off you if you ever end up disabled

    -A society works best when all it's members are in a healthy mental, emotional, and physical state.

How do you think killing the disabled effects their mothers, their families? How and who are you to say if a disabled person is actually useless or not?