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ButterflyEffect  ·  3484 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A reflection on college radio.

Okay: If there is any way to do any sort of development work on the side once I have a first real job, I would love to do that. I already do a little bit of very informal consulting with friends who are in different organizations to help them raise money, since the scope of money their organizations could utilize is far, far lower than ours. I've worked with other students, by myself, with the college's professional development department, and others...people have said this is something I should look into after college but it won't pay off the loans as well as an engineering gig.

I would love to stay involved with non-commercial radio, be it college, community ran, or NPR. Or I could just be like an older friend of mine who is starting his own community radio station. That could be fun.