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- About the same population as Canada.

- Two thirds the population of the UK.

- North and south as far apart as Berlin and Barcelona.

- Los Angeles:

As I ride through the Valley I find myself repeating "worst drivers on the worst roads in the worst traffic in America" like they're the lyrics to a Korn song. And I'm getting out, I am. I've had my way with the place and it with me and it's time to move on. When you no longer consider Maseratis delivering Dominos to be noteworthy you've pushed past jaded and arrived in bizarro-world.


It ain't all bad.

I hate the fuck out of my hometown, too. Lots of people think it's beautiful.

My hometown isn't Livermore. That there is a sun-blasted hellscape if ever there were one. Set aside any personal bullshit and Livermore and Environs have one thing going for it - the BART. Me? I was two hours away from Albuquerque, which scored an Olive Garden when I was a senior in high school. Meant we didn't even know what we were missing until 7th, 8th grade.

It's a big state. Lots of it is gorgeous. The 1 north through Tiburon and up into Humboldt is absolutely gorgeous. Hell, the 1 south to Ventura is a lovely ride, too. I'm rather fond of Lompoc, Pismo, Monterey, all that. It ain't bloody bad.

But if you're looking for comparisons to Livermore, you'll find 'em.

Welcome back. Glad you survived. Glad you made it free. But keep in mind it's easier to find something to be offended by if you're looking for it.