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coffeesp00ns  ·  3532 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ukraine: The Ugly Truth

I think we need to be careful of where this information is coming from. I was suspicious of the tone of the article, so I looked up Vladislav Gulevich. Mr. Gulevich seems to write often from a "pro-russian" slant.

A few Gems from Mr. Gulevich -

    With Kiev being under the effect of narcotic anesthesia, the West has started the process of Ukraine’s territorial dismemberment. This fact is obvious for everyone.

There's probably some intellectual basis for this. The Cold War never really ended, Ukraine is just the latest pawn.

This, however -

    The Crimean Tatars is not the only name of the sub ethnic group. They are often called Polish-Lithuanian or Belorussian Tatars, because the first Tatar settlers came to Lithuania and Belarus as well as to Poland, the lands that were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania those days. It’s Belarus, not Poland where the largest Tatar community resides (over 7 thousand people, while the figure is around one thousand for Poland). But Poland uses the Tatars for propaganda purposes pursuing geopolitical goals. Head of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev and other Crimean Tatar nationalists have met the representatives of Polish Tatar organizations. There is one thing that unites them – the hostility towards Russia.

Is pretty obviously anti-Polish and anti-Tatar propaganda (neither of which are new to Russia), a vein which continues through his body of work (at least for the past two years, but with a few smatterings in his later Catalogue in the link i shared above)

Does this mean that nothing in this article can be seen as fact? Certainly not. It does, however, make me question the source of the information and inquire as to its factual truth.