Remember that the goal isn't to resist thoughts and feelings, or try and force them from entering your mind. There is no goal. All there is to do is be aware of thoughts/feelings, note their presence, and return gently to the breath. From this practice you may eventually hope to bring this awareness to all aspects of your life. Life appears to become quieter naturally as you master the transient nature of your day to day experience. A nice thing to do at the end of your meditation, before opening your eyes, is to stay there but let go of any control or focus at all. Just let your mind do as it pleases. Often in this moment you may find that suddenly your mind becomes empty (though it doesn't matter if it doesn't, of course). This can help show you the right kind/amount of effort needed in approaching your sessions. It doesn't matter if you can go 10 seconds or 10 minutes with a clear and present mind. It's all about just letting it unravel naturally.