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thenewgreen  ·  3711 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I got myself a little recording setup. Now what the balls do I do with it?

I hear you in regards to the click track, it can really ruin some of the more subtle stuff I record. As for how to get motivated, I just sit myself down and force myself to create something. I'll often create the entire song, lyrics everything as I go and have something completed by the end of the night. It's not always great, actually it's not always good or even remotely good, but it's almost always fun.

The other thing I would suggest, and this is something that only in the last year or so I've realized is that recording doesn't need to be for music alone. As you may know I've been doing the Hubski podcast for a little bit now and I use my recording gear for that. You can also create various instrumental soundscapes that are outside of your normal genre etc.

Also, feel free to take a look at the Hubski collaborative music project that we've been doing and add to one of the songs that is still relatively empty, or bare. Go to town.

Also, I definitely look forward to hearing your music. Be sure to share it here and feel free to shout out to me.