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_refugee_  ·  3549 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 13, 2014

My coworkers thought I was 22 and this was my first job out of college and I'm trying not to be insulted.

I'm also considering how my boss told me I wasn't working hard enough, but how she is now moving to a non-management position and the consensus is that management positions at our company require one to be a workaholic. So now I am considering confronting her about how she essentially said I wasn't working hard enough while at the same time, essentially, admitting that the work required for her position (less than two skips and a jump from mine) is too much for her to handle. I might bring it up to her; she won't be my manager after sept 1, after all. Why not ask her why she thinks I should commit more when she is aware that her own commitment proved too burdensome to happily sustain her level of - what's a good word for it? Ah... Life.

Edit: also, the whole premise of house episode 4 is stupid. 2 babies are dying of 2 possible infections. House prescribes both 2 antibiotics. Both babies begin to experience liver failure, which could be caused by either antibiotic. House does the smart thing, what I would do, which is suggest they take each baby off a different antibiotic. Everyone is horrified! House is experimenting on babies! But see the thing is: house takes both babies off the same antibiotic. 50/50 chance he is right. Either 2 babies die or 2 live. OR, house takes each baby off a different antibiotic. NO MATTER WHAT, at least one baby lives. We have a 50% survival rating instead of 0% or 100%. in addition this method might allow house to save the other baby instead of approaching this whole situation blind. WHY IS EVERYONE ELSE SO STUPID AND SHOCKED. HOUSE IS SOLOMON EXCEPT HERE ITS THE RIGHT CHOICE TO SPLIT THE BABY. UGGGGGHHHHH