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galen  ·  3723 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Adventures in Kokology

1. It's totally empty. Nothing but rolling hills of orange sand for miles.

2. It's a large iron block, hovering about 7 feet off the ground. I think it belongs to some aliens.

3. It's on the front of the cube. That's the aliens' ladder. The block is their lander, and that's how they get down.

4. That's my horse. It's how I got there. It's a nice shade of darkish brown, with a lighter brown mane. It's wearing a leather saddlebag.

5. The desert's gotten darker. The storm takes up a good half of the sky. It's crackling with little bits of lightning throughout the really dark clouds. I can feel the energy in the air.

6. There are bluebonnets in the horse's saddlebag.