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thenewgreen  ·  4775 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If you are rooted in reality there would be no fear.
So we evolve based on a challenge or uncertainty or even worry.. Then why on earth wouldn't presence or enlightenment as the Buddhists call it be the next evolution? It seems to me the greatest challenge man kind has ever known has been the uncertainty and the worry that comes from mortality. The oneness and connection to all living things that accompanies presence may not completely absolve these things but it certainly makes them more easily faced.

To date, mankind has tried to face these things through religion which essentially has used fiction as a pacifier. I think that intuitively, people recognize that presence (or being in the moment) is what many of the founders of religion were truly talking about. For example, when Jesus says, "nobody get's to the father except through me", couldn't it be that he is saying that in order to obtain enlightenment, you must first experience the presence that he was living? Couldn't the father be a metaphor for enlightenment? -Far fetched? I don't think so. Essential to this discussion? -No.

Have you ever been outdoors at the base of a river or atop a mountain pass, alone and totally in sync with your surroundings? If so, your internal dialogue may have turned off for a moment and you perhaps you were completely present? Or perhaps you experience this often without the need for external stimuli.

Have you ever had a car accident or another type of serious crisis that forces you out of your internal dialogue and square in the moment? There's a Jeff Bridges movie called Fearless that explores this phenomenon. If you've never seen it. SEE IT!!!! -Such a great movie (He claims it's his best). It explores the clarity that accompanies such events as a plane crash.

There are actually some people that claim to have this clarity 24/7. These people are what the Buddhists refer to as enlightened. It's possible.

Being fully present is difficult though, I agree with the video that most of humanity (myself included) is living a life of insanity. This is why people jump out of planes, climb steep mountain cliffs or surf tsunami's... they seek the clarity of mind that comes when challenged in that way. Oneness with existence, needs not come from base jumping alone though. There's a way to have it all the time. -so i hear

-This is the next evolution. I'm not anywhere near attaining it.... but I know it's attainable. I also know that the few times I've been able to intentionally experience it, my challenges, uncertainty and worry were absolved.

"Dude, if you will it, there is no dream..."