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PeterC  ·  3731 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "You are muted here. Have you tried apologizing?"

Blocking anyone's content so you can't see it is fine. Blocking anyone's content so others can't see it is not.

With your ideal muting function, you've got to rationalize that you're taking discussional surrogacy over people who view your posts. You're making a decision for them. Why would you do that? I've thought up some, but I'm not going to be a jackass and assume what your motivations are. I'd like to know though.

You keep saying "my content" in regards to your posts. Your posts are yours. Categorically, objectively, blah blah. They're yours. But the discussions people can have on your posts are entirely comprised, owned, and made by contributors. This comment is "my content". Not yours. You don't own this comment because it's your thread. You don't own this comment because your comment's the parent comment. This is mine; the post and your comments are yours.

Being a post originator shouldn't let you silence contributors from other contributors. By doing so, you're saying their content is yours. "I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!"

So two things really. Why do you think you can make content-viewing decisions for people who view your posts? And do you think you own the comments from contributors when they write on your posts? There's got to be a better word than "own" by the way. I'm saying own because it seems a best fit, but if you'd like to use a different word, that's fine.