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ButterflyEffect  ·  3583 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Unwanted

    I could be talking to someone happyily(Only if they approach me)...

This is a two way street. If you find yourself waiting for people to start conversations with you, you're going to find yourself isolated and possibly disappointed more often than not. I'm not saying to go out and start every single conversation ever, but the ability to start a conversation is a valuable skill (especially once you get to college and working) and I think it will open gateways if you let them. Worrying about whether somebody likes you or not based on them not saying bye or what have you is a bit silly. rezzeJ covered it pretty well and I agree with what he said on that one.

    I'm a 14 year old male who's been home schooled since birth, my only real-life chance for social interaction is via a programming club I go to once a week.

Is it possible to see the people from the club other days of the week, for programming or just generally hanging out and shooting the shit? Outside of that, definitely bring it up to your family if you feel it is important. Also, is it possible to find other clubs or groups to join in whatever interests you have?