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_refugee_ · 3849 days ago · link · · parent · post: Which music artists from our time (if any) will be looked back on and revered by future generations?
Go for it - just because I'm noting U2's absence does not mean I think they should be included on this list. I have opinions about U2. Maybe I am really just slighting the Radiohead mention. (Not intentionally, but it's a possible interpretation.) I also think the use of "understand" instead of the more appropriate "listen" or "listen consciously" puts a pretty different flavor on that comment. Cohen's a poet to people who don't read poetry. U2 may very well be a canonical band to people who don't listen to a variety of music. I think it may be accurate that Cohen straddles genres but I don't think most people who call him a poet spend much time with poetry outside of listening to Cohen. Feel free to argue that statement.