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| I see, foolish to apply any concepts at all? Beyond concepts?

It feels like a constant stream just poring over you with completely unique experiences every second. I could hardly claim any thoughts to be "my own" (I mean, of course, they totally belonged to my mind in some regard) but, like I said, your awareness is just out the window in regards to how you experience your everyday life. There isn't a competent metaphor/analogy/allegory for how your mind is working, so I think that's why a lot of people focus on the direct sensory stuff when describing it.

I want to say something like "salvia is totally more negative than DMT, but they are very similar" but honestly, within the spectrum of experience that is contained by ingesting a hallucinogen, salvia was more harsh than DMT, but not necessarily negative.

I have to start an assay, but I will watch the video during my lunch break and get back to you.