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rezzeJ  ·  3862 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Choose Your Own Adventure (Philosophy)

That was fun little escapade, but I can't help but feel a little underwhelmed after doing all that and receive but 4 sentences of vague analysis. Though the suggestions of further reading that work both for and against your choices is a nice touch. Here's what it said about me:

    You're a pretty harsh judge; you agreed with the blackbird more often than the robin, and you're quite willing to declare someone irrational or say that they made the wrong decision.

    Sometimes you judge people harshly, sometimes you're forgiving; sometimes you're happy to declare someone irrational, and at other times you're willing to make allowances for them. You agreed with the robin and the blackbird about the same amount.

    You value pleasure, but not at the cost of everything else - there are clear limits to how far you'll take the pursuit of enjoyment.

I would like to say I'm not as harsh a judge as it states, but on reflection I can see there's truth to everything it said. I've got a book full of thought experiments so some of these circumstances I had encountered before in one form another. But yeah, thanks for sharing.