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_refugee_  ·  3742 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: One of the reasons why I migrated

1) reddit sucks. Totally agree. But...

2) To be honest, you're subscribed to totally the wrong subreddits for what you describe, though. God I haven't even looked at r/iAmA in probably over a year. r/foodforthought, r/depthhub, r/indepthstories, etc. It's not Hubski but they're not too bad and pretty good every once in a while. Of course everyone's got their own entertainment subreddits, I do eat the popcorn at r/relationshipadvice regularly.

3) Reddit sucks. I still use reddit. Only reason I haven't bombed my account is because then I wouldn't be subscribed to any subreddits and fuck if I'm going to amass them all over again. I filter out a lot of shit with subreddits. I still get image posts but mostly it's the image posts I want to see. like, cats.