I'll let you know. The first part is "Hi, I'm an economist who hates economists because they don't like data or math. I'm going to drown you in data and try really hard not to drown you in math, so we're not going to get into anything beyond algebra. That said, kindly indulge me as I summarize four hundred years of economic data interspersed briefly with anecdotes from the popular literature of the period." Of the 27 hours of the audiobook, there's nine hours of that shit. Necessary? Yes. Interesting? Not remotely. The second part, so far is "Now that I've beaten you over the head with my data, allow me to walk you through my findings. Hey, check it out: we've gotten progressively more fucked since 1970." So in all honesty, I'm at the spot where it should get more interesting. It's maybe kind of starting to. Put it this way: I've stuck with it, despite the fact that it's a less-than-engaging read. I do feel like I'm eating giant plates of spinach, though.