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nowaypablo  ·  3795 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Give me a great quote from something you're reading, have read recently.

Es Muss Sein. -Beethoven, then Minas Kundera as a gorgeous introduction that carries across as a theme to his well-known book, "The Eternal Lightness of Being."

It Must Be, showing (imo) that the heavy, tremendous power of Beethoven and his String Quartet No16 could shake a concert hall with gravitas and the bellows of its significance... meanwhile.. calling out that this storm is all but a performance; the compositional pioneer is just an artist moreover a human, and it simply must be, immaterial and insignificant.. so why not make it loud.

Wrote my term paper about it, took me way too long to find that book. Im a cheesy dude.