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thenewgreen  ·  3654 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Should NPR have ad's "Center Stage?" What do you think of this?

    What's dangerous is that NPR will be finished without better funding
-Back that up with numbers, I've seen little evidence that NPR is short on cash. Tiny Desks, btw has to be a really inexpensive production and my guess is that it brings in a good amount of revenue for them. They are content creators and they sell their content to their affiliate stations across the country/world. They have competition, PRI and others that also sell their content to "NPR affiliates." The value of public radio is that it doesn't have to whore itself out via a "center stage" advert. If it needs more revenue then it should be "publicly funded" via pledge drives etc and not via ad's. Period. Otherwise they turn in to the same thing as everyone else. Eventually Norvo Nordisk is going to want to know how many page views they get and then NPR will feel the pressure to get more eyeballs and will chase them via bombastic content.... it all snowballs.

Am I overreacting? Maybe. But it's a reasonable fear imo.