- Alan Turing One of my heroes. He not only is responsible for computer science, he endured incredible persecution for his sexuality. I would love to ask him about what life was like back then, and show him just how far his ideas have been carried. - Robert Anton Wilson He was very influential in my life, helping me to escape fundamentalist thinking patterns and open my mind to new ideas. I believe he was absolutely before his time and had a fascinating mind. I really wish I could have seen him lecture or met him before he died. Plus he'd make the dinner party a lot more fun. - Aristotle His ideas shaped history, and his writing shows a clarity and precision of thought that truly amazes me. Hopefully the magic of this dinner party allows him to speak English, besides just being resurrected. - Eleanor Roosevelt Perceptive and strong, she had an inspiring spirit that doesn't exist any more in the public sphere. I'd love to hear her advice about today. - Buckminster Fuller One of the first to realize just how important and game-changing technology is and how it relates to our purpose and position in the universe. I'd love to pick his brain and hear his impression of the modern world.