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thenewgreen  ·  3663 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: My Childhood in an Apocalyptic Cult

    Mom later told me that the doctors had told her something was abnormal back when she was pregnant with us twins. However, since the world would be ending soon, Father David did not encourage visits to the doctor.

I dated a girl that was raised in a fundamentalist mormon family. Her mother and her aunt were both "married" to the same man. I'm pretty sure he laid hands on my girlfriend too when she was a teenager. She would never talk about it and in fact, never told me about it until a couple years in to our relationship. One night after she had a few drinks, I found her shaking on the ground, curled up in the fetal position crying and telling someone that wasn't there to "go away." -It was really scary stuff. The amount of damage that humans can do to others in the name of "religion" is truly disturbing. It can be such a powerful force for evil that I find it's utility to be not worth the risk. Spirituality on an individual level? -Sure. Religion and cultish behaviors? -no thanks.