In Defense of Dick Cheney The man was a presidential aide, along with Donald Rumsfeld, under Richard Nixon. His formative years were of undoing the Democratic clusterfuck of LBJ and the media persecution of an entire party for Watergate. He was a senator during the first Gulf War - when the CIA told us there was nothing to worry about in Iraq. Who didn't know about the chemical weapons depot we accidentally blew up (causing Gulf War Syndrome) or this fucking thing. His "boss" was the son of the guy who, when he headed the CIA, totally missed the Iranian revolution. And, not to put too fine a point on it, couldn't run the goddamn Texas Rangers successfully. Dick Cheney is, believe it or not, Chaotic Good. I'm not a fan by any stretch but history will not judge him as weak. Misguided? Sure. Disrespectful of the constitution? Mos def. Keep in mind, though - far greater people than you have exposed him to snark and he's still Dick Goddamn Cheney. Me? I'd ask him his opinion about congressional investigation of the CIA. It might be interesting.