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thenewgreen · 4782 days ago · link · · parent · post: Why should you learn math? Because fuck you, that's why.
I suck HARD at arithmetic. Like, massively hard. If I can do it in my head, I get it right. If it's one of those things where i have to show my work, I blow it. -There! That's me.
The thing is, I don't know if I'm good at "math" or not because I've never really tried my hand at it. I avoided math classes in college and only got as far as Algebra 2 in HS. I was afraid of it as a kid because I would easily fall behind in class and it's a lot easier to say, "I quit" than it is "hey, I need help" when you're 15. Along with learning to speak french and learning to read music, I suppose I should add ditch your fear of math and take an adult ed class to my list of things to get done. By the way, your wife sounds pretty damned fascinating.