I saw the post you wrote a few days back where you posted about the downvoting, doxxing and shaming that you received in /r/skeptic when you mentioned your Wife is a Naturopath ( think, can't remember your exact desciptor) Physician. I have no point of reference at all in the entire "alternative" medicine spectrum, so I have no idea what I'm about, what's good or what's bad. How would you describe to a layman like me what your wife does, and what these people do differently that makes them so bad? I ask out of genuine lack of knowledge, no baiting here. From what I read in your /r/skeptic conversation, it seemed like your wife did more of the "this is more effort and time, but it will prevent you from taking a bunch of drugs and antibiotics", rather than the "take this dissolution of '1ml of crystal meth in 2^50 ml of water' and you'll feel better" or "well, if I poke you in your foot here your sinuses should clear right up". Would you describe my perception as accurate-ish?