I think we can agree that how most societies approach sex and especially female sex and sexuality is messed up. It being more messed up in a different place doesn't mean we shouldn't try to work against it here. Yes, it's more messed up in that country, but I've also never lived in or been to that country, so of course my frame of reference isn't going to involve that country. My frame of reference, and where I'm going to point out what I perceive of as problems, is pretty much basically this grand ol' U. S. of A. I don't have solutions for you, or for that country, or even for this country. I guess my speaking up, even on what is admittedly a small internet website where I will mostly be heard by those who already agree with me, is my attempt at a "solution," and we can probably agree it's a pretty feeble one at that. But I'm still going to point out that I don't understand why oral sex is considered shameful or negative by the very people who probably enjoy it. That's my solution for where I am, right now, while I'm here.