Flag on the play. One cannot hold the attitude that: and the observation that: Simultaneously within one skull without a shit ton of cognitive dissonance. Look. Porn is about power. Sexual dynamics are about power. Rape is about power. The give and take of sex is an extension of the give and take of conversation, only with higher stakes. Anyone who takes money to appear in "rough sex porn" either has a first-hand understanding of this or they're willfully not paying attention. If you're taking money to be degraded on camera, you can't act surprised when people who are titillated by your degradation attempt to degrade you, nor can you make sweeping arguments about "the patriarchy" while simultaneously arguing how empowering it is to get paid to get peed on. There are deep and provocative discussions that can be had about power dynamics, but you're not an expert just 'cuz you've taken money to take your clothes off.I also stand by and defend the right of adult performers to engage in rough sex porn
We must question in this equation why sex workers are so brutally stigmatized