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b_b · 3995 days ago · link · · parent · post: When Doctors Make You Feel Guilty - Julie Beck - The Atlantic
Yeah, that sounds like the two of you just don't mix very well. My experience was a lot better than that. Conversation went something like this. Me: I'm here for an STD screen. Doctor: You're sexually active? (I nod) And you practice safe sex? Me: Well, I've never been raped, so I guess so. Doctor: (Smirking, rolling eyes) You know what I mean. Me: Yes, well, sometimes, well, not all the time, um, not really I guess. Well, it's never my idea anyway. Doctor: As a medical professional, it's my obligation to warn you about the dangers of unprotected...blah, blah, blah...whogivesashit...blah, blah, blah. Me: Can we just get this over with?