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OftenBen  ·  4068 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Crypto-Patriarchy: The problem of Bitcoin's male domination

Any time the word 'privilege' is used non-sarcastically on the internet I get a bit worried. But, to my main points.

All you need, to participate in the BTC economy, is a computer. That could be a smartphone, a laptop, some tablets even work just fine. Bringing the issue of gender into BTC isn't a good idea in my opinion, because it's an extension of the problem of gender in STEM fields. We all know for a long time (and this certainly still exists) there was a systemic exclusion of women from STEM degrees and careers. That being said, steps are being taken to address that, and I think the problem of "no female members of the board of executives", is a problem that will self correct as STEM roles become more gender balanced.

I also think that his well intentioned points at the bottom could actually prove detrimental to his cause. Just as an example,

    I wish the community would make a collective and concerted effort to identify, build up and showcase female role models

Were I a woman, I would feel patronized by this, because the silent implication is that women, of their own agency, will never amount to the visible equals of men in tech fields, that women with an interest in such things must be shepherded, protected, coddled and put in nice glass cases to display how 'diverse' and 'sensitive' our community is.

Second point, this is Tumblr-activist mentality at it's finest. Suggest a solution that doesn't really make a suggestion of what to do, and criminalizes anyone who disagrees with you. The thought process is that Rich white men (Who only a few years ago were broke, white, boys) are actively trying to keep anyone in a position of minority out of their field, when that's simply untrue. It's not any one persons fault that exactly half of these guys aren't female, and according percentages aren't of mixed ethnicity. It's a failing of a system that, when that generation were in school, didn't emphasize STEM classes and careers for people in minority. To put the blame squarely on the shoulders of the guys who discovered this tech in college, staked their claim and 'got theirs' is simply unfair.

Edit* for everyone who is responding, I appreciate your contributions, and everything I write, I do so with the intent to try and better my own understanding, and not to offend.