I talked a little about my views on the CDC and its limits here. I believe that its weekly limits and definition of binge-drinking, especially for women, are ludicrous. If I have 4 drinks over the course of 6 hours, according to this table AND being skimpy on my weight, I would not even have a BAC over the legal limit to drive. Therefore I find it ludicrous to consider that "binge drinking." If you never get legally inebriated can that be a "binge"? It is not uncommon for me to have 8 drinks in a day, perhaps once every week or two. (For what it's worth I generally drink doubles; I'm not slamming eight shots back.) I have a favorite bar and it is also not uncommon for me to spend six hours there once every week or two (on a weekend; start at brunch, end in the afternoon/evening). I run into a lot of friends at this bar, which is what keeps me from leaving - not the fact that I'm there to get drunk. I don't trust the government to ascribe what is most healthy for you correctly. I trust them to have views that are influenced by puritans and by lobbyists.