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humanodon  ·  3773 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Book Club: Blood Meridian: Discussion 2

Personally, I love graphic novels and read them fairly often. I have posted things about graphic novels and comics in the past, but they haven't gotten much interest for whatever reason. While I like the idea, another obstacle does come to mind, namely, availability. My local library doesn't carry them, though I imagine a small selection might be available via inter-library loan. I know that university libraries tend to carry more of them, particularly if said universities have strong art or design programs. However, barring that, graphic novels are not exactly cheap and I doubt that buying them would appeal to someone who doesn't already buy them.

I do like the idea, and will endorse it if interest can be generated, but I think that the availability thing might be an issue. That said, there are some really, really great graphic novels out there and even very literary comic book series that have been collected into trade paperbacks, for example, Brian Azzarello's 100 Bullets or Neil Gaiman's Sandman. I agree that the stuff we've been reading is dense and heavy and I can certainly see how people who don't seek that kind of stuff on their own, would quickly drop it, so yeah, whatever it is we move on to, fun or pleasure should be a main feature.