I am a shark. I enjoy much of the corporate world. I have friends, though, that hate it, find it suppressive, don't understand that there are things they should and shouldn't say at work, don't understand that there are topics they should not discuss. One friend compared it to lying or "not being true to oneself." I have trouble sympathizing, though. We all must learn to moderate our personality to social situations. The personality I present to my parents is not the same as the one I present to my friends and so on, but it doesn't mean I'm lying and it doesn't mean I'm not being true to myself. I'm just modulating my personality as the situation warrants. There are many facets of my being. Of course, it also sounds like our work environments are different. I can listen to my iPod at work if I want. I surf Hubski, Reddit too if it's a really slow day. Wikipedia when I've found topics I'm curious about. I am one of those people who works better when there is more work to do. Give me one task, tell me it's due Friday, and you can bet your ass I'm not doing it until Friday, and Mon-Thurs I'll be on Hubski, Wiki, Reddit, listening to podcasts, writing poetry. Give me five tasks and tell me they're due Friday and I will start them immediately. Then I will only surf and web-browse when I have the time, in a lull point. It may seem weird but to do my best work I need a lot of work to do. I like to be challenged. Like I said, I enjoy the corporate world and its structure. I am far from a standard corporate pawn, and I'm probably not a sociopath, either, but I find there is a certain beauty to it sometimes. That doesn't mean I don't also consider it a cage...but so many things in our lives are cages. Romantic relationships are cages. Your friends tie you down. Work is just the popular thing to resent. Work enables me to do the things I want to do, so I don't really mind work.