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lappelduvide  ·  3819 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pitchfork's Top 50 Albums of the Year

i was frantically refreshing the page yesterday at 10:00 waiting for this list to go up. I'M SO HAPPY THAT MODERN VAMPIRES IS THE ALBUM OF THE YEAR. vampire weekend deserved the hell out of it. i've seen some people criticize the choice because it's "too pretentious" or "too safe", but i don't agree with that. it's the band's most mature release to date, and it was beautifully produced and assembled. it was clearly made with a ton of labor, effort, and love.

that said, i can't understand why majical cloudz, chvrches, and haim made it onto the list, but albums of tim hecker quality didn't.