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thenewgreen  ·  3793 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Forty-Ninth Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

I received a $50 gift certificate to iTunes from my father/mother in law for Christmas. I have a ten hour drive ahead of me this Thursday and need some new music. I reached out to two friends edisonbaines and sounds_sound and asked what to get. edison recommended the latest album Breathe Owl Breathe, here is an older song of theirs titled "Swimming".

sounds_sound suggested Sun Kil Moon, an album I've never listened to aside from Glen Tipton.

I'm looking forward to the drive. Beyond that, I checked out the new Broken Bells, After the Disco.

edit: I also listened to Peru Maravilloso: Vintage Latin, Tropical & Cumbia per edisonbaines suggestion. -A fantastic listen. It was cold and rainy last week but once I listened to that album, it warmed up.