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_refugee_  ·  4063 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, what is the story of your first love?

    I don't know what the hell we'd even do.


Sex. Lots and lots of sex. Don't know how old you are but frankly, the younger you are, the more of it you'd probably have.

In between the sex and before the sex for a number of dates there is some amount of talking and working one's way to sex.

    I feel as if I'm too boring/different to even engage in a relationship again, because if I were placed in one, I'm not sure what I would do.

And you figure it out as you go, too. If you're not of drinking age of course you wouldn't go out to bars and drink. But that's one thing that's big with dating, and with that comes conversation, which generally flows a bit smoother after everyone's got some wine or liquor in 'em. Last night I went sledding down a giant hill with a boy. We walked to a reservoir in the snow. The reservoir sits in a huge hill. We didn't bring sleds, but because of the angle and the unprecidented precipitation this area has experienced so far this year (we've gotten near a foot of snow in 3-4 days) there were both sled tracks and discarded snow-riding equipment scattered all around. We saw people sledding on makeshift pieces of cardboard. I found a plastic container lid and he found a snowboard. We took turns pushing each other down the hill and trying not to end up in the ditch of rocks at the bottom. (We succeeded.) Then we went back to his place, where his roommates had made dinner and had friends coming over, and we watched The Human Centipede.

(I would not necessarily advise you to watch The Human Centipede while on a date.)

A lot of my dates have ended up being: eat/drink, walk around, talk. Sometimes you go someplace a little out of the ordinary in order to walk around, like you drive to a state park or a flea/farmer's market. Maybe you cook together (although I don't; I don't cook well with others). Maybe you make dinner for each other. You go to concerts together! (There isn't usually much talking then.) I have a bar with arcade games and sometimes I go there for dates. In the summer there are beaches.

You just do things. Whatever you'd do with your friends except one-on-one. And hopefully you enjoy them.