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_refugee_  ·  3970 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Weekly Photo Challenge: YOUR BOOK SHELF (one-off guest posting)

OK guys, I'm participating. This late in the game, don't expect too many people to see, but hey, at least for lil ;)

I have several bookshelves. Or rather, two. I also have some boxes full of books as my roommate promised to build a bookcase and has been very lackadaisical in doing anything other than obtaining the component IKEA parts, and will not allow me to assemble it. (She said I wouldn't do it "the way she wanted." I said "...You don't want it done according to the directions?" It was an interesting night.) Because of my passion and vocal presence on this site on the topic, I decided to feature my poetry "shelves."

The box you see is also full of books. Cookbooks, those, though. (Go on a separate case - the one not yet built.)

This shot specifically taken to include Hubski sticker.

Then I realized I forgot to open my doors. Folders, full of my writing over the years. Organized by season & year. Each folder corresponds to 3 months of a year, usually. Some folders may be extraneous.

I find my applecrate of journals slightly more interesting.

In closing, I saw we were talking about annotations. I believe they add value and interest to a given book. I always liked getting textbooks with annotations. At any rate I am a big commenter. I note my satisfaction, my dissatisfaction, my analysis. This is from one of my favorite poetry books of all time, Louise Gluck's The Wild Iris. I also dog-ear poems I like in a poetry book. That way I can pull one off the shelf, look at it, and know how I felt about the book as a whole. It helps me remember. (I do not have a good memory. I refer you to the applecrate of journals. I took up journaling in part to remember things.)

Edited to add: the poetry shelves are loosely organized. Poetry books I haven't read on the left. Anthologies/journals in the middle. Poetry books I have read on the right. In the doors and on the lower shelf, all runs amok.