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veen  ·  3832 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How 10 people built a competitor to Amazon.com for $1 million—in 90 days

    Huang wants to go further, and understand how customers are living their lives and how fast they consume the things they buy in bulk. The idea is that, as soon as you're out of toilet paper or granola bars, Boxed will know, and offer to re-supply you before you even think to go shopping.

While it's nice to see a startup doing great, I was more interested in this part. Since they sell in bulk, people won't be buying stuff that often. Which leaves them with not a lot of buying data to extrapolate from. I wonder how they're gonna tackle that. Or how they will handle the slightly insulting ones. We think you're out of 'Lots of Cheap Wine' from us in one week. Do you want us to order more? Will they predict pregnancies too?