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b_b  ·  4000 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Glenmorangie named as world’s best dram

Yeah "best" is such a garbage term. This sounds like a fruity/citrus scotch, so I'm sure it will leave peat lovers wanting. Personally, it sounds right up my alley, so I'm very interested to find a bottle. Apparently, it retails for $120, so not exactly chump change.

I have had 15yo Balvenie single cask. It's very good. Kind of a medium flarvored scotch, a little smokey, but not peated, a Goldilocks, if I remember right. The only other Glenmorangie I've had is a 12yo sherry cask, which I enjoyed, but I wouldn't count as a favorite.