Awesome transition. I just use a dripping atomizer to test new juices, I never fill a whole clearo up unless I know I'll use it. I'm pretty set with a couple juices right now, so I don't really "clean them". I just buy new heads. I use Kanger MT3S clearos, and when I have switched juices, I just dump it out, rinse it with hot water (with the head removed), and let it dry for a day, then put a new head in it and filler up. I got so tired of the juice hunt, I only buy two now, and vape one 90% of the time, Kentucky Peachwood from Vermillion River Ejuice (it's a delicious tobacco blend, like a KY4 + some peach hint). Then I have a Root Beer Float from JuicyVapor I puff on occasionally to change it up. I have a drawer full of juice that I'll never touch more than the few drops I used to taste it. What do you use for clearos?what methods have you used to clean out clearomizers for new juices?