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kleinbl00  ·  4009 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: American Giant hoodie: This is the greatest sweatshirt known to man.  ·  

You couldn't though. Handcrafted counts. Thoughtful design counts. Ease of use counts. Durability counts.

I had to look up "bougie." It appears to be what people with little cultural understanding would call "bourgeois" if only they could spell it. So I ask you, ye who pretends to the proletariat:

which is better - a $50 bag that you hate that you buy eight times, or a $400 bag that you love that you buy once?

I can tell you which one doesn't go to the landfill seven times. I can also tell you which one isn't made in a sweatshop for thirteen cents an hour. I can tell you which one provides jobs for people in your neighborhood who speak your language and which one is crafted by people who like to craft things.

If that's bourgeois, sign me up. And go make me a latte while you're at it, prole.